Check memo field importing transactions into quickbooks code#
This reason, as well as to make your code as generic as possible, I think that Process import files where not all the possible fields are included, I have notįound anything that says which fields are optional are which are required. Populate all of these fields for your transactions. Depending on your needs, you may find that you do not need to Refer to the help file for the particular version of QuickBooks that you are Type of record have varied from version to version of QuickBooks, so you should The specifications for the individual fields within each The record types in these headers rows are preceded byĪn exclamation point (!) to identify them as header records. The first three rows of the import file are header recordsĬontaining the keywords that define the columns that are to be included in theĭetail records to follow. An import file canĬontain any number of transactions simply by including multiple groupings of Each such grouping of records is one transaction. Versions that I have worked with, a transaction consists of a TRNS record,įollowed by one or more SPL (split) records, and terminated by an ENDTRNS QuickBooks help file, and may vary from version to version.
Record code in the first field of each record. The records in a QuickBooks import file are identified by a Record is also required, making a minimum of three records you need to write to
Or more split records that add up to the same amount. This concept is carried through to the structure of an importįile, where a transaction must consist of a transaction record followed by one Transaction the other side of the transaction will be one or more offsettingĮntries (splits) that add up to the same amount as the first entry, but with the Transaction will be a single entry whose amount is the total amount of the The offsetting entry or entries for a particular transaction. QuickBooks uses the concept of "splits" to handle Represented as negative numbers and debits as positive numbers. Therefore, when you create a file ofĭollar transactions to be imported into QuickBooks you must specify both sides Nonetheless, behind the scenes QuickBooks is still doingĬonventional double-entry bookkeeping. Instead, it uses an activity-based paradigm for doing typical tasks suchĪs "enter a bill", "pay bills", "create an Ordinary use, QuickBooks does not require you to work with debits and credits Indeed, this is one of the reasons it is so popular. QuickBooks hides some of the accounting terminology and complexity from the Unlike many other computerized accounting packages, Similar, so if you need to import something besides transactions hopefully youĬan adapt the information in this paper to your particular needs. The technique for importing other types of data is very This paper will limit itself to a discussion about importingĭollar transactions, since that is probably one of the more common needs thatĭevelopers encounter. Including chart of accounts, lists (customer, employee, terms, vendors, etc.),Īnd transactions. QuickBooks can import many different types of data, Select the file you created in Step 1 and click Open. In QuickBooks, go to the File menu and chose Import. An example of such a file is provided later in this document.
That matches the specifications for the version of QuickBooks you are targeting. In your VFP application, write the necessary code to build a text file in format In the simplest terms, all you have to do is create the Importing into QuickBooks from Visual FoxPro WhiteįoxPro Developers Page | ITA Home Page Importing Transactions into QuickBooks from Visual FoxProĪ QuickBooks import file is simply a tab-delimited text file