Snowman vocaloid vsq
Snowman vocaloid vsq

It would be better to have it as more of a utau/vocaloid cloud service. You could even have an Utau plug-in which would sync with the client and allow instant uploads of created projects and cloud storage.ĮDIT: I see that you want this to be more of a static database.


I think it would be cool to have a desktop client which could download the UST/VSQ(x) automatically, download the required voicebank (for Utau), and open it in Utau/Vocaloid. I'd love for some feedback on the idea and what I've done so far, thankyou for your attention! Even if nobody cares for this or needs it, I'll still maintain it for myself if nothing else. All USTs and VSQs so far are credited, and due to personal preference I refuse to add any without it.100 songs so far, adding more all the time.A pretty minimalistic and lacking theme so far, but in this week i've been working on it i've grown attatched to it, so.A contact page for suggesting songs to be added, reporting errors and broken links, etc.

snowman vocaloid vsq

Songs listed alphabetically by English title (with a few romaji exceptions when it's the more popular title, i.e Senbokzakura).The option to search and sort by song name, producer, language and more.Of course this is a huge generalization, I wouldn't be surprised if there was one out there miles above my attempt here, but still, I had a crack at it! If you're anything like I am (and I hope I'm not the only one.) then you might have been irritated by the disorganized nature, broken links and general lack of updates in a lot of the masterlists out there.

Snowman vocaloid vsq