Now that we have the maps just the way that we want them the boss has asked us to publish the maps to SharePoint. Click new map and we'll drag and drop the required routers and switches. Let's create a new map that focuses on the network gear at a specific site. With NTM it's easy to create additional purpose-filled maps that give you different perspectives on your network. Most environments can't be fully documented with a single map. We've got all the tools you need to make your map look just right. You can also change which links are displayed. Notes can be grouped by role, vendor, subnet, and many other options, making it easy to add and edit notes on your map. You can add or remove notes from the map individually or as groups. In large networks, only networking devices will be placed on the map by default. In small networks, all of these notes will be automatically placed on your map. All the notes you have discovered are listed on the left. As you can see, there's a ton of information. So the moment you've all been waiting for, your new map. We'll name our scan, we can leave the rest of these advanced options as they are now.įinally, we'll kick off our scan. If you want NTM to exclude certain devices from discovery, you can do so by listing them under the Do-Not-Scan List tab. The seed device can save you a bunch of time by querying a device that is central to your network and creating a list of subnets to scan. One really great feature in NTM is the concept of a seed device. You can optionally store credentials and automatically use these credentials for future discoveries.Īfter adding our WMI and VMWare Credentials we're ready to identify the networks to be scanned. We'll add an SNMP community string by clicking new credential. First, we're prompted for our credentials. NTM includes an easy to use wizard that walks you through the process of setting up a network discovery scan. Network Topology Mapper, or NTM, allows you to scan and map your IT infrastructure, including network devices, servers, virtualization hosts, and anything else that responds to a variety of discovery techniques. Automating the creation and maintenance of network diagrams is easy with SolarWinds Network Topology Mapper.